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Chris Badger

Energy Coordinator

Jeff Campbell


Charlie Goodman

Road Commissioner

Clare Ireland

Emergency Management Coordinator

Tripp Johnson

Fire Department Chief

Steve Lewis

Town Treasurer & Grant Administrator

Extension 2

Fred Messer

Town Health Officer

Fred Messer

Emergency Management Director

Municipal Water System

The Water Commission can be reached via email at: wateradmin@

For a Water System Emergency, please contact Simon Operation Services (SOS) who operate the Waitsfield Water System. If there is an emergency after hours and weekends, dial 802-741-2347 entering the call back phone number slowly and accurately.

If there is an emergency during normal, weekday business hours (8am-4pm) call the SOS office: 802-244-7420. If you go to voicemail, leave a brief voicemail with short details, and call back info. After leaving the message hang up and then dial the emergency number 802-741-2347 and leave your phone number.

Jennifer Peterson

Town Clerk

Extension 3

MaryJane Potter


Extension 13

Road Department (Town Garage)

Josh Rogers

Road Foreman

Town Garage 761 Tremblay Road
05673 Waitsfield

Waitsfield Selectboard

JB Weir

Planning & Zoning Administrator

Extension 4

4144 Main Street
05673 Waitsfield

Jared Young

Fire Warden