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Elections & Voter Registration

Voter Registration

Residents can register to vote at the Town Clerk’s office during business hours or online. Eligible persons may register to vote on any day up to and including the day of the election.

Online Voter Registration

Once registered, all voters have a My Voter Page. Use your My Voter Page to update voter registration status and information, request absentee ballots, find polling locations, respond to challenge letters, take your Voter’s Oath.

For more information on voter registration, refer to the Vermont Secretary of State’s voter registration page.


The annual town meeting is held the first Tuesday of March. All elections, local, State, and Federal are held at the Waitsfield Elementary School. Upcoming election information will be posted here when it’s available.

Petition and Consent of Candidate

2025 Town Meeting

Petitions and Consent of Candidate forms are ready for anyone who would like to run for Waitsfield elected positions on Town Meeting day. Both forms are due back at the Waitsfield Town Office by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, January 27. Print PDF here, stop by the Town Office to pick one up or email the Town Clerk at to have one emailed to you. You must be a Waitsfield registered voter to run for these positions.