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Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Proposed Revisions to the Waitsfield Zoning Bylaws

  • Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Planning CommissionNews

In accordance with state statute [24 V.S.A. Chapter 117 §4441], the Waitsfield Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. at the Waitsfield Town Offices to receive comments on proposed amendments to the Waitsfield Zoning Bylaw.   This will be a hybrid meeting and the public may attend in person at the Waitsfield Town Offices or remote via Zoom with telephone and/or video access.  To join the meeting remotely, use this link:
Meeting ID: 919 026 5312
Or call: 1 929 205 6099

The Planning Commission identified one primary focus area for revising zoning bylaws, supported by the goals and recommendations of the Waitsfield Town Plan: the protection of the Town’s public water source.

The Town of Waitsfield recognizes that many residents rely on groundwater for their safe drinking water supply, and that certain land uses have the potential to contaminate groundwater, particularly in shallow/surficial aquifers, or when contaminants can get into a bedrock aquifer. To ensure the protection of these drinking water supplies, this bylaw establishes a zoning overlay district to be known as the Groundwater Protection Overlay District (“GPOD”).

The purpose of the GPOD is to protect public health, safety and welfare by minimizing the potential for contamination of vulnerable aquifers and source protection areas as authorized under 24 V.S.A. §4414(2), as well as preserving and protecting existing and potential sources of drinking water supplies. It is the intent of the Town of Waitsfield to accomplish this through the adoption of this GPOD, which provides standards to regulate particular uses of land and land development with the foregoing purpose in mind, in addition to those currently imposed by existing zoning districts or other state and federal regulations. It is intended that public education and cooperation will complement this effort.

The GPOD is superimposed on the Agricultural-Residential District and Forest Reserve District or other zoning districts within the area of the mapped GPOD and shall apply to all land development within the GPOD.

All of the proposed amendments and regulations are consistent with the Act, including the goals set forth in §4302, and are in conformance with, and are intended to implement, the Waitsfield Town Plan.

The full text of the proposed amendment can be found here: Copies of the full text of the proposed amendments to the zoning bylaws and a report prepared in accordance with §4441 of the Act are available at the Waitsfield Town Offices during regular business hours. All interested persons are requested to attend and provide comments during the public hearing. Written comments may also be submitted to the Waitsfield Planning Commission via mail to 4144 Main St. Waitsfield, VT 05673 or via email to the Planning and Zoning Administrator at